Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Water on the Moon. The Start of the Universe Colonization

    There was a time where we thought the world was the center of the universe, we also thought the world was flat. Now days we say that we are the only civilized species in the entire universe. Are we wrong this time also? or perhaps we may be right?

    Since NASA was established it was on a  race for the skies. The contenders were USA and Russia. There were already in an arms race, now they went an informal race, with Russian sending The Sputnik on October 4, 1957 to start it all. In the end the United States of America made it first by landing the first man into the moon on July 20, 1969.  When they got there, it was nothing but frozen rocks, and debris.  People never came back to the moon until recently, when scientist discovered water.

   They hesitate at first, but after a few analysts they decided to bomb the moon, and October 9 water was found. We are still far from having a moon base, there isn't water in abundance to go and exploit it. Still many years needs to pass to develop efficient equipment to get there safety and to best utilized the water there to give us oxygen and drinkable water, to survive our stay in there.

    Isn't exciting how far we have come? From calculators to portable computers to spaceships and soon the colonization of the moon... If we achieve the colonization of the moon, its going to be a start of a new era of the human civilization.  Going into other worlds colonizing it, expanding our presence. Star Trek and Star Wars starts to seem familiar isn't it? but are we prepared for all of this?  

    We the human species are driven by dreams, passion, devotion. Our emotions controls us. What ever we imagine and dream about it we built it. I have no doubt that we are going to be able to go into other worlds, other planets. All we need to do is wait for the technology to help us achieve our dreams, the human desire. Happy surfing folks.

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