Thursday, November 19, 2009

It's All About the Ball:Google Chrome OS announced! Firefox on the PS3?

    Interesting news today starting with the announcement of the Google Chrome OS coming at the end of next year. A few tidbits:

- Can't be downloaded, you will have to buy a machine that will come with the OS installed
- It will boot as soon as to press the power button.
- It will only work on SSD (Solid State Drive)
- It will be using HTML5,
- Every app is a web app
- All data mostly will be stored in the cloud, user data also will be synced to the cloud also.
- The browser is the OS.

A more in depth view over this coming next week, an interesting approach Google did. From search engine to a mobile OS (Android), ta browser (Chrome) and now an OS (Chrome OS) what will be the next step coming from them?  How its competition are going to react?.

    A rumor has surfaced in the web today refering to Sony making talks to the Mozilla group, if that is true and its a go, the PS3 system will have a great improvement and advantage to other game systems. Currently the PS3 browser is not reliable, and there's has been a lot of complain around the web. I'll let you know any news around this and other stories.


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