Thursday, November 19, 2009

It's All About the Ball:Google Chrome OS announced! Firefox on the PS3?

    Interesting news today starting with the announcement of the Google Chrome OS coming at the end of next year. A few tidbits:

- Can't be downloaded, you will have to buy a machine that will come with the OS installed
- It will boot as soon as to press the power button.
- It will only work on SSD (Solid State Drive)
- It will be using HTML5,
- Every app is a web app
- All data mostly will be stored in the cloud, user data also will be synced to the cloud also.
- The browser is the OS.

A more in depth view over this coming next week, an interesting approach Google did. From search engine to a mobile OS (Android), ta browser (Chrome) and now an OS (Chrome OS) what will be the next step coming from them?  How its competition are going to react?.

    A rumor has surfaced in the web today refering to Sony making talks to the Mozilla group, if that is true and its a go, the PS3 system will have a great improvement and advantage to other game systems. Currently the PS3 browser is not reliable, and there's has been a lot of complain around the web. I'll let you know any news around this and other stories.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Water on the Moon. The Start of the Universe Colonization

    There was a time where we thought the world was the center of the universe, we also thought the world was flat. Now days we say that we are the only civilized species in the entire universe. Are we wrong this time also? or perhaps we may be right?

    Since NASA was established it was on a  race for the skies. The contenders were USA and Russia. There were already in an arms race, now they went an informal race, with Russian sending The Sputnik on October 4, 1957 to start it all. In the end the United States of America made it first by landing the first man into the moon on July 20, 1969.  When they got there, it was nothing but frozen rocks, and debris.  People never came back to the moon until recently, when scientist discovered water.

   They hesitate at first, but after a few analysts they decided to bomb the moon, and October 9 water was found. We are still far from having a moon base, there isn't water in abundance to go and exploit it. Still many years needs to pass to develop efficient equipment to get there safety and to best utilized the water there to give us oxygen and drinkable water, to survive our stay in there.

    Isn't exciting how far we have come? From calculators to portable computers to spaceships and soon the colonization of the moon... If we achieve the colonization of the moon, its going to be a start of a new era of the human civilization.  Going into other worlds colonizing it, expanding our presence. Star Trek and Star Wars starts to seem familiar isn't it? but are we prepared for all of this?  

    We the human species are driven by dreams, passion, devotion. Our emotions controls us. What ever we imagine and dream about it we built it. I have no doubt that we are going to be able to go into other worlds, other planets. All we need to do is wait for the technology to help us achieve our dreams, the human desire. Happy surfing folks.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Facebook for the PS3 and thinest 16GB Flash Drive.

     An upcoming update for the PS3 coming around this week is expected to add some Facebook integration; Heres what the PlayStation website wrote: " The latest update incorporates Facebook into the PS3 experience. By linking your PlayStation Network account to your Facebook account, you will have the option for the PS3 to automatically update your Facebook News Feed with Trophy and PlayStation Store activity. You can then check out your updates, and those of your friends, on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media favorites through the PS3’s built-in web browser." It seems that there isn't any way for you to update your Facebook status, but still its a start for Facebook fans to start showing how addicting they are in gaming.  

Heres a small video from the PlayStation website

Also around the web the smallest flash drive from Active Media Products a 16GB named the Wink Drive. Its very tiny so be careful where you put this small puppy. Click the picture so you can go and order it or check out the specs for the nerds =D.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Start of Something New

Its the start of something new, it feels so right to be here with you Ooouuhh.. wait! sorry guys a little bit of high school musical flowing around here, kids song i tell ya it gets in your head real quickly. And no, this is not a musical blog, or it could be if i chose... wonder why?

Everything that we see, do, feel, smell somehow it relates to technology. Whatever you look around i guaranteed you'll see a piece of electronics. Isn't incredible how we are so depended of technology? Sometimes i ask how we are going to survive if we lose electricity, no TV, no internet, no communication (cell phone batteries will run out with no way to charge them back...) Wow i'm already starting my new blog which a sad and pessimistic mood.. but thats not what i'm trying to say. My message is to tell how we are so dependent to tools that we use every single day of our life's, and trust me guys i'm in that bunch.

From a small city, back in Ecuador (a South American country) since i was 5 i was already glued to game system like Nintendo 64, DreamCast and Playstation, good old times. My aunt had a small business were she rented the time for people to use the game system, and i was the helper, a 5 year old kid setting up the controllers to these big 21+ year old kids... When i moved to the US i was introduced to the PC (Personal Computer), i was 11yrs old back then. My first computer was a Compaq a good old desktop computer with a 14'' CTR monitor. From then on my life changed drastically, 9yrs later technology has become my new best friend. I don' t watch TV a lot but i'm get glued to the internet for many hours... now that i have a part time job i don't have that luxury anymore, but hey the today's cellphone are the new computers, you can almost do everything in them.
I have become so dependent to my iphone that if i go a day without having it, i feel like i'm lost or excluded from civilization. When i'm on the subway in NYC there's a 90% of chance that the people riding it have a headphone, either listening to music or just talking over the phone, we are glued to electronics, and we are loving it. From the new macs form apple: the imac, macbook , to the new phone from verizon the Droid and much more.
I will try my best to keep you guys updated with all the new stuff from the popular companies, because everyday something new comes out, i will be giving links to important websites and so on. This blog is my digital diary of things which i love. I'll make it fun and i'll have a lot of personal stories to tell most of them will be coming from my wife, which i love with all my heart. She is the most weirdest woman i have ever meet... maybe thats why i married her. Thanks all who are reading this and i'll accept any advices, specially the writing part because English is my second language. Happy surfing folks and see you next time!

Note: I got invited to Google wave so i'll be writing some stuff about it: the ups and downs of this free service from the Google team. And finally bought Modern Warfare 2 a small review of that will be coming soon.